How to create your own customized home interiors using our furniture store’s free design assistance
Are you ready to update your home interior, refresh a space, or redo a room for a more contemporary style? Today there are more choices...

Colors of 2017
Want to know what's hot for 2017 interior design trends? Read this article about Pantone's "Color of the Year" and find ou

What Our Designers Do For You
Discover the possibilities of having Stewart and Company create custom interior design solutions for YOUR home! Find out what our designers

How to Make Your Living Space Work for You and Your Gatherings
Play with your furniture arrangements. Try to arrange your space to provide conversation clusters or spots for reading, visiting, dining...

What’s Trending and How it influences Home Décor
See some of the latest trends in today's world and how they inspire great interior design!

The Dining Space In Your Home
Thanksgiving dinner is coming. Your dining table needs to be able to adapt like no other piece in your home. Arranging a dining table...

5 Simple Ways to Accent Your Space
Get some simple tips on how to make the most of your space. Megan Meier, designer from Stewart and Company Furniture, breaks it down for you

Downton Abbey inspired vignette by designer Jim Callaway
Designer Jim Callaway has a passion for antiques and old homes - and it comes through in his beautiful interiors for his clients.

The Unique and Comfortable Boomerang Chair
Learn the history behind this comfy and stylish classic. The Boomerang Chair is unique, comfortable, creative design and a wonderful accent